Bhartiya Bhasha (भारतीय भाषा) Guidelines
Student Testing/Performance:
These may be different for different languages, the teacher and/or the lead teacher will update the parents and students on these guidelines. Typically:
- Students are tested periodically during the school year so that better performing students do not have to wait for the end of the school year to be progressed to the next Level.
- Students may be awarded certificates of participation of the level completed. If two levels are completed in a given year, then both levels will be indicated on the certificate. For students that complete three or more levels, the certificate will indicate participation in two of the higher levels. There may be students who do not get any certificate if all requirements have not been met, or attendance and punctuality is unacceptable.
- Attendance (no unexcused absences), punctuality and class participation will be heavily rated for all Levels and will affect the progression to next Level. Late arrival and absenteeism disrupt class activity and will not be permitted.
- All class-related questions should be addressed directly with the teacher. Overall questions should be addressed to the Language Coordinator (languages@chinmayadc.org)
- If the student misses four or more classes without notice, the student will have to re-register for Language classes to be able to continue (See rules below).
- Teachers may schedule meetings with parents to discuss the progress of their children if necessary.
Class Rules/Information
Thank you for giving us the opportunity teach our beautiful languages. The richness of our languages is exemplary. We must take pride and promote their education so that they are not forgotten. Your full support, cooperation and understanding is essential in the success of our program. Please help us in enforcing our rules and making sure that we have the maximum class time available for instruction. The limited class interaction over the year necessitates additional efforts at home. Please take the time to practice the language at home and spend a minimum of 2-3 hours per week in active conversation.
The classes are organized so those students on the same level of the learning curve (regardless of their grade in school) are in the same class. In Hindi and Telugu, we have standard textbooks or teaching material that we will be following. Please make sure you get this information from the teacher. Your help in having them read at home and quizzing them will help their vocabulary and grammar.
Please print and save this information with you as a reference and spend some time with your child understanding these instructions.
Your child must be registered in Bal Vihar and the Language Class to be able to participate in this curriculum at Chinmayam. For Classes in Frederick and Virginia please contact their respective coordinators. Non- Bala Vihar students may enroll as External Students. Please refer to our website for detailed information on this enrollment.
In order to place each child in an appropriate group and provide him/her with the opportunity to move up to the next group in a timely fashion, we strongly encourage you to help us in doing the following:
Please help us in making sure the student:
- is in the class promptly (see class timings for individual classes). Late arrivals not only disrupt the class but also interfere with the child’s learning process. The class is only offered once a week and in order for the child to progress, they would require a minimum of the allocated class time each week. If the student misses four or more classes without notice, the student will have to re-register for the Language classes to be able to continue. Continued excessive late arrivals and absenteeism will not be permitted in class and will result in permanent dismissal from class.
- For online classes, the students follow virtual class etiquette – besides active participation, the camera should always stay on and the student should be attentive during class. Detailed etiquette will be provided to the student and the parent
- Chewing gum, drinks, or food should not be consumed in the classrooms.
- Use of smart devices (mobile phones, tablets etc.) is not permitted during any classes. If the child(ren) are found using any of those devices, the teacher will take the smart device from the child(ren) and parents will have to collect it from the teacher.
- TWO un-excused absences will result in no-certificate at the end of the year
- Bring two sharpened pencils with erasers, binder (with loose-leaf papers) to place handouts and class materials.
- brings the textbook and Language Binder (if assigned) to class every day – no sharing is allowed in class, the children are asked to read, write notes, prepare recitals and must have their own book. Sharing disrupts the class.
- attends the classes regularly and makes a full effort to complete any assignment that is given for the week. Parents are strongly encouraged to make sure that the children are practicing the language at home. Reinforcing the language skills at home is the ONLY way to advance their command on the language. Please note that children can move more than one level. We periodically test the children for proficiency (see Student testing). Usually, the first level takes the longest. The course syllabus is distributed at the beginning of the class and is available from the teacher. You can assist your child satisfying the requirements for a given level. WE HAVE SEEN BEST RESULTS WHEN THE CHILD PRACTICES THE LANGUAGE WITH FRIENDS AND PARENTS. ONCE WEEKLY CLASSES CAN ONLY EMPHASIZE ON READING AND WRITING.
All Bala Vihar discipline rules provided to the students are also applicable during Language classes.
Parents are not permitted in class unless specifically requested by the teacher(s) to assist in teaching the class or an individual student.
Please contact Anil Kishore (Language Coordinator) for more information at languages@chinmayadc.org
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