Bala Vihar

Bala Vihar is a weekly gathering of children (Preschool to Grade 12) under the supervision of trained teachers. The aim of Bala Vihar is to help children bloom, grow, and inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar enhances the overall development of the personality of a child at all levels – physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.

Registration Instructions | Pledge Details

Children are a major focus at Richmond Chapter. The goal of Bala Vihar is to “wake up the sleeping giant” in our children and inspire them to reach their maximum potential by imparting a value-based education through a specially designed age appropriate curriculum.

The Bala Vihar program offers weekly spiritual classes for children in their formative school years (Pre K to 12). The classes are organized by age groups, start and end with Sanskrit prayers, and include chanting, bhajans, stories of devotion and morals, interactive discussions, and creative games.

The sessions are of approximately 90 minutes duration including the common assembly time, and are based on specially designed curriculum.

The idea is to provide an environment where the personality of the child blossoms in a spontaneous way. Good conduct, emotional refinement, intellectual finesse, social responsibility and spiritual awareness are developed by the teachers through story-telling from the Puranas and other scriptures, singing of bhajans, chanting of stotrams, games, arts and crafts, plays and other fun-filled activities. The children are encouraged to be responsible, alert and sensitive members of society.

Swami Chinmayananda believed that just as the strength of a wall depended on the quality of each brick, so too, the health of a society depended on the individuals. If the individuals are healthy, the society is healthy. His strategy for building a new society was to “Catch ’em young,” and that is what we are trying to accomplish at Richmond Chapter.

The annual session runs from August to May, parallel to the regular school calendar.

Registration Instructions | Membership Details

The senior Balavihar classes provide a forum for youth where they are provided an opportunity to discuss, debate and understand the logic of our religion and its tenets and to become aware of their potential. After having gained this awareness, their potential is directed into creative channels. The high school students are encouraged to volunteer in community and social service activities. Additionally, different career choices are discussed along with what it takes to be a professional in those disciplines. The aim of these classes is to prepare today’s youth to be responsible and successful adults of tomorrow.

Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit. The seed of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts, and the conditions made favorable for sprouting and steady growth through proper control and discipline. It must be cared for with the warmth of love and affection, and such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of brotherhood, universal love, peace, bliss, beauty, and perfection.

Swami Chinmayananda
From the youngest Satyam class to the Chinmayam class for high school youngsters, all Bala Vihar children participate in a variety of activities. The grade in which the child is enrolled in his/her school, is the basis for placement in the appropriate Bala Vihar class.

SatyamSunday10:30 am – 11:30 am
ShivamSunday10:30 am – 11:30 am
SundaramSunday11:30 am – 12:30 pm
ChinmayamSundayMeet once in a month
** Contact respective teachers for information and ZOOM links.

Important Notes For Parents!

We expect all children to follow these rules of conduct!

Every family, whether with children or without, whether an existing member or a new applicant for membership, is required to register (please check these helpful instructions) using the Online Registration System. A child may not be enrolled without his/her parent’s enrollment and participation in the Adult Classes. Please note that at least one parent is required to attend the Adult Class while the children are in Bala Vihar. Children CANNOT be left at the Mission premises without a parent.

To participate in the  Bala Vihar program, students should be entering grades Pre-K to 12. Pre-K students should be toilet trained and at least three years old as of September 1, enrolling year.

Please register early to increase the likelihood of being assigned to your first-choice session. Admission and session assignment will be confirmed to you by early August.

Only children enrolled in Bala Vihar are eligible to enroll in Performing Arts and Language classes. Students must be at least 6 years of age as of September of the current enrolling year. Registered adult members can enroll in select Performing Arts classes subject to availability of seats after admitting children. Select Language and Performing Arts classes are available for enrollment for non-members as well. Click here for more details on membership and eligibility.

Chinmaya Mission reserves the right to accept or reject admission requests. For admission and session assignment, we recommend early registration. Session assignment is on a first-come basis and subject to capacity limitations (class sizes, Hall Capacity, Parking Lot Capacity, etc.)

Books can be bought through book stores at the Chinmaya Mission centers. In some cases books can be ordered through Chinmayam Publications website.

For cancellations of registrations on or before October 7, full refund of the pledge amount will be given. The Mission will not refund any credit card processing fee incurred by the registrant. A family canceling membership after October 7 will not be entitled to any refund of the pledges paid. For late registrants after October 7, they will have 15 days from the date of registration for cancellation with 50% refund. Thereafter, no refund will be made.

The family’s contact information provided to the Mission will be used only for internal purposes. If any of this information is to be used in flyers, websites or other publicity material, we will do so only with your permission.From time to time, for publicity purposes, CMWRC will publish photos of members taken at different Mission sessions or events, without identifying the members. If we have to identify the members, we will do so only with your prior permission.

Sevaks (volunteers) are critical to the operation of the chapter and programs.  Chinmaya Mission is a volunteer run organization. Every member is highly encouraged to serve the mission in their area of interests, based on their skills and expertise.  Selfless dedicated service is the foundation for spiritual growth.  Any amount of time and commitment offered in seva is welcome.

When registering, please ensure that you provide a current and accurate e-mail address. Please login and update information promptly if there is any change to your contact e-mail or home address. Most communications between CMWRC and its members, including weather- related cancellations, are handled via e-mail.

Need further help? Click here to contact our Bala Vihar and Youth Coordinator!