CVV Page

Service to Humanity is Service to God

Mānava Seva is Mādhava Seva

What is CVV?

Puja Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda’s grand vision was the revival of Indian culture. The cornerstone of this vision was a higher learning institution that revived Indian knowledge and coupled it with modern technology and educational approaches. In 2016, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV) – the Chinmaya University was born.

CVV is working to create values, share the vision of the Rsis, sculpt new leaders with knowledge of Indian heritage to selflessly serve society. To support CVV, the global Chinmaya Family is serving in “One Knowledge, One World”, a crowdfunding campaign.

We are serving as Chinmaya ambassadors and building awareness and raising funds for CVV.

Become an Ambassador

CMWRC has joined the Global Crowdfunding Campaign to support Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth. And we are looking for you to serve as an Ambassador.

Once Registered to become an ambassador, crowdfunding ambassadors will attend one evening training session in which you will be shown how to set up a personal fundraising page on Raisley (the platform we will be used to collect funds). Like a GoFundMe campaign, once the page is set up with the information you feel would resonate most with your social circle, your only job is to share your Raisley page with as many people as you can. This campaign is about getting small amounts from many.

In addition to the fact that this seva requires minimal effort from us, there are a number of other aspects of this campaign that make it a very easy and convenient way to be a part of a project that will have impacts outlasting our lifetimes. The fundraising will begin on September 10 and conclude on October 15th (only one month long!). Everything can be done from your phone (we’ll be utilizing Whatsapp, Social Media and Text messages to share our individual Raisley pages). There is no minimum or maximum amount that can be donated ($1.00 donations are permissible!) There is no penalty for not meeting your fundraising goal because every bit counts and we are working as a global Chinmaya family in this endeavor.

Chinmaya Education Foundation (CEF) – for donations to Chinmaya University

Recently Chinmaya Mission has incorporated a new organization called the Chinmaya Education Foundation, Inc.(CEF Inc.) as a 501 C3 non-profit registered in the state of Michigan. While CEF Inc has been established with broad goals to provide support for educational institutions, healthcare initiatives, etc., the immediate project now is to support the Chinmaya University in Kerala, India with active fundraising efforts in the USA.

Please note that all funds raised by the Crowdfunding Campaign that is going to begin on September 10th, 2021 (Ganesh Chaturthi day) will be directed to CEF. Here are the ways in which donations may be sent to CEF.

By check – Make checks payable to Chinmaya Education Foundation and mail to:
CMWRC, Attention: Treasurer
46 Norwood Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905

By ACH or Bank transfer to The CEF Bank of America account:
Account Name: Chinmaya Education Foundation, Inc.
Routing number: 026009593
Account number: 375023360782

Please direct any questions to

Dr. AppaRao Mukkamala, Managing trustee of Chinmaya Viswavidyapeeth

CMWRC Secretary