Swami Dheerananda’s Sashtiapthapoorthi
Let’s Celebrate – Swamiji’s 60
We cordially invite you to Swamiji’s birth milestone celebration on May 19th at 7:00 PM.
Swamiji has been serving and uplifting us since July 11, 1989. Swamiji has poured his all into the vision and mission of Sri Gurudev and continues to be our guiding light. As we honor and celebrate Swamiji’s birth milestone, Swamiji wants each of us to join Swamiji in furthering the strength and growth of this mission center. Please consider making your Arpanam Donation pledge today. Swamiji would greatly appreciate it.
Here is the link to the online Arpanam Donation Form (click here). Please reach out to Prakash Soman (pgsoman@aol.com) and Jay Sriram (y3760car@yahoo.com) if you have any questions about Arpanam.
Pledge Today – Fulfil your pledge at your convenience during this calendar year. Once you have made your Arpanam pledge, please let Swamiji know.