Chant Geeta | Enchant Krishna | Celebrate Chinmaya

Chapter 6: Verses 1-17 | The Yoga of Meditation

MARCH 15, 2025 & MARCH 16, 2025

Registration Pledge Amount: Individual – $25; Family – $50

Silver Spring, MD

Chinmaya Somnath
Chantilly, VA

Frederick Chapter
Frederick, MD

Richmond Chapter
Glen Allen, VA

General Questions

How to Sign Up | Participation Categories | Participation Tips | Practice Materials | Awards | Results

View Geeta Chanting Competitions Archive

The Bhagavad Geeta

Swami Chinmayananda breathed, lived and talked Bhagavad Geeta throughout His life. He carried the message of the Geeta to kindle the knowledge of the Self in millions worldwide! For that reason Srimad Bhagavad Geeta is the heart of Chinmaya Mission.

The Bhagavad Geeta is a manual for living, a book of direct experience. It Instructs on how to live a productive life, attaining fulfillment here and now.

Has the Bhagavad Geeta gone through YOU? For more comprehensive resources and invaluable inspiration, please visit

Why Chant Geeta?

From the recitation of the Bhagavad Geeta arises the desire to know its meaning. Thence arises the Knowledge (of the Self). From this Knowledge arises fulfillment.

The study of the Geeta is the key to opening the vast treasure of God’s love for us. It starts with chanting, then study, and over time, assimilating (embracing) that same love wholeheartedly and completely.

Geeta Chanting allows one to begin this journey here and now, and opening themselves to the embrace of the infinite love.

Geeta Chanting Competition

Swami Dheerananda nurtured our Geeta Chanting Program from its initial beginning as a small competitive event with love and care. Geeta Chanting has now been institutionalized into Children Summer Camp curriculum and Weekly Bala Vihar Common Time agenda. As our Geeta Teacher, Swami Dheerananda has expanded participation categories to include reading and comprehension, to invite greater adult participation.

In keeping with His Guru’s mission, Swamiji is sowing the seed of Geeta Jnana in every CMWRC member, and through chanting and comprehension, making each of us more and more conscious of the knowledge of the Self.

Chapter 6: Verses 1-17 | The Yoga of Meditation

In the previous chapters, Bhagavan Sri Krishna takes Arjuna through graded lessons of spiritual unfoldment to enable his steady growth towards Absolute Perfection. In Chapter 2, the picture of a perfect saint with mental equipoise is painted. In Chapter 3, the dynamic Arjuna is prescribed the Path of Action – Karma Yoga. Chapter 4 focuses on the nature of action and inaction and establishes the supremacy of Knowledge of the Self. Chapter 5 clarifies the differences between Karma Yoga (the Yoga of Action) and Karma Sannyasa Yoga (the Yoga of Renunciation or True Renunciation). This lays the foundation for Chapter 6 where Bhagavan Sri Krishna details the practice of meditation (Dhyana Yoga) as a means to further cultivate detachment and achieve inner peace by controlling the mind and senses (Atma Samyama Yoga). At this point of Sadhana, the seeker is eligible for the practice of meditation.

In verses 1 – 17, Bhagavan Sri Krishna first expounds on the eligibility for meditation. It is clarified that both the Karma Sannyasi and the Karma Yogi are placed on the same footing on the path of meditation. The qualities required for meditation are then explained followed by a vivid description of the physical (external) and mental (internal) environment that is conducive for meditation. 

Note: Bhagavad Geeta is a treasure.  Swami Chinmayananda’s commentary on the Holy Geeta is a treasure. Study the Holy Geeta and contemplate on the meaning. 

In gratitude to the Guru Parampara and to Gurudev who conducted Gītā-Jñāna-Yajña all around the world, we invoke the Divine Grace and Blessings of the Propagator of the Knowledge of the Shrīmad Bhagavad Gītā!

ॐ गीता-ज्ञानयज्ञ-प्रचारकाय नमः ।

om gītā-jñānayajña-pracārakāya namaḥ ।

I Bow Down Unto the Propagator of the Knowledge of the Shrīmad Bhagavad Gītā!


46 Norwood Rd
Silver Spring, MD 20905

March 15
1 pm – 5 pm

Chinmaya Somnath

4350 Blue Spring Dr
Chantilly, VA 20151

March 15
Noon – 4 pm

Frederick Chapter

Urbana Middle School
3511 Pontius Ct
Urbana, MD

March 16
9 am – 11 am

Richmond Chapter

11537-A Nuckols Rd
Glen Allen, VA 23059

March 9
3 pm – 4 pm

Competition Categories

We encourage all children to participate in the memory categories. The participation categories also include reading and comprehension for adult participation. By participating in chanting and comprehension, we will be more and more conscious of the knowledge of the Self.


Open to Pre KG, KG & Grade 1 Children

Participants will chant by memory

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 6: Verses 1-8
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 18: Verse 66


Open to All Adults & Children

Participants will chant by memory

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 6: Verses 1-17
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 18: Verse 66

Memory and Comprehension

Open to All Adults & Children

Participants will chant by memory the verses listed below. The judges will then read the English meaning of a random verse, and the participant will need to identify the relevant verse. This will be repeated for a total of 4 verses.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 6: Verses 1-17
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 18: Verse 66


Open to All Adults & Children

Participants will chant by reading

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 6: Verses 1-17
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 18: Verse 66

Reading & Comprehension

Open to All Adults & Children

Participants will chant by reading the verses listed below. The judges will then read the English meaning of a random verse, and the participant will need to identify the relevant verse. This will be repeated for a total of 4 verses.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 6: Verses 1-17
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter 18: Verse 66

Writing (Reflection)

Open to All Adults & Children

This category can be selected by itself or in addition to any of the above categories.

Reflect on one or more of Chapter 6: Verses 1-17 by studying the word meanings, the shloka meaning and the associated commentary. Then, write a short passage in your own words on what impressed you or inspired you most about what you studied.

  • Submit your passage in WORD as an ATTACHMENT via email to by March 31, 2025.
  • Passage should not exceed 500 words
  • All written submissions will be published in Chinmaya Smrithi Magazine.
  • Passages exceeding 500 word count will be published only at the discretion of Chinmaya Smrithi editorial team in a later edition.

Practice Materials (Chapter 6: Verses 1-17)

We encourage all children to participate in the memory categories. The participation categories also include reading and comprehension for adult participation. We will become increasingly conscious of our knowledge of the Self by participating in chanting and comprehension.

Complete Audio

Swamiji Lead and Repeat with Children

Vinay Mallikaarjun Chanting

Audio by Verse (Swami Dheerananda – Lead and Repeat)

Audio by Verse – Vinay Mallikaarjun

Bhagavad Geeta Practice Videos

Chapter 6 verses 1-17 – Vinay Chanting
Chapter 6 verses 1-17 – Lead and Repeat with Swamiji

Tips for participation


Swami Dheerananda has gone extra lengths to provide many means of practice for all age groups: YouTube, audio, booklet. A simple tip is to listen to the audio with a booklet in hand and listen again and again. In a short time, you will become intimate with the Chapter.


Sanskrit is the language for chanting the Geeta. Please pay close attention to Swamiji’s pronunciation as you practice.


The ‘Presentation’ aspect of Geeta Chanting competition draws judges focus on two key attributes – Dress and Attitude.

  • Dress: Preferably, the participants should wear customary Indian dress. Other attire is acceptable as long as it is appropriate for a spiritual/prayer activity.
  • Attitude: Participants should adorn a respectful and prayerful attitude during the entire chanting session (entry, chanting and exit).

Format of the Competition

Each Participant chants in front of two judges in a closed room.

Comprehension & Writing

Read Swami Chinmayananda’s commentaries during your practice and preparation. As you grasp the meaning of what you are practicing, your intimacy with the Chapter will be even deeper. Swami Tejomayananda explained knowledge as unstirred sugar in a tea cup. The tea becomes sweet only after we stir the sugar thoroughly. Listening and chanting places the knowledge in our minds. Comprehension and writing begin the stirring process for growth.


Based on the competition results, all middle school children and those below will receive Trophies. All high school children and adults will receive a voucher or a Vedanta Book.

Eligible Awards for each category

CategoryDiamond Star DiamondGoldSilver
Memory and Comprehension
Reading & Comprehension


Chinmayam Chapter | Chinmaya Somnath Chapter | Frederick Chapter | Richmond Chapter

View Geeta Chanting Competitions Archive