Bala Vihar is a weekly gathering of children (Preschool to Grade 12/Ages 0 to Ages 18) under the supervision of trained teachers. The aim of Bala Vihar is to help children bloom, grow, and inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar enhances the overall development of the personality of a child at all levels – physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
2024-25 Bala Vihar Session Information
At Chinmaya Somnath, we offer 3 in-person sessions and one online session across CMWRC via Zoom.
Friday in-person session: starts September 6th at 6:40 PM
Sunday morning in-person session: starts September 8th at 9:10 AM
Sunday afternoon in-person session: starts September 8th at 12:10 PM
Children are a major focus at Chinmaya Somnath. The goal of Bala Vihar is to “wake up the sleeping giant” in our children and inspire them to reach their maximum potential by imparting a value-based education through a specially designed age-appropriate curriculum.
The Bala Vihar program offers weekly spiritual classes for children in their formative school years (Pre K to 12).
A complimentary Shishu Vihar program for children ages 0 to 3 years and Amruta Vihar program for differently abled children ages Pre-K to 12th grade are offered.
The classes are organized by age groups, start and end with Sanskrit prayers, and include chanting, bhajans, stories of devotion and morals, interactive discussions, and creative games.

The sessions are of approximately 90 minutes duration including the common assembly time, and are based on specially designed curriculum.
The idea is to provide an environment where the personality of the child blossoms in a spontaneous way. Good conduct, emotional refinement, intellectual finesse, social responsibility, and a spiritual awareness are developed by the teachers through story-telling from the Puranas and other scriptures, singing of bhajans, chanting of stotrams, games, arts and crafts, plays, and other fun-filled activities. The children are encouraged to be responsible, alert, and sensitive members of society.
Swami Chinmayananda believed that just as the strength of a wall depended on the quality of each brick, so too, the health of a society depended on the individuals. If the individuals are healthy, society is healthy. His strategy for building a new society was to “catch ’em young,” and that is what we are trying to accomplish at Chinmaya Somnath.

Chinmaya Somnath also offers additional classes and activities besides the regular Bala Vihar classes to help the children blossom and develop their multi-faceted talents.
The senior Bala vihar classes provide a forum for youth where they are provided an opportunity to discuss, debate, and understand the logic of our religion and its tenets and to become aware of their potential. After having gained this awareness, their potential is directed into creative channels. The high school students are encouraged to volunteer in the community and participate in social service activities. Additionally, different career choices are discussed along with what it takes to be a professional in those disciplines. The aim of these classes is to prepare today’s youth to be responsible and successful adults of tomorrow.

The annual session runs from September to June, parallel to the regular school calendar.
Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit. The seed of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts, and the conditions made favorable for sprouting and steady growth through proper control and discipline. It must be cared for with the warmth of love and affection, and such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of brotherhood, universal love, peace, bliss, beauty, and perfection.
Swami Chinmayananda
Chinmaya Somnath 2024-25 Calendar
All Bala Vihar children participate in various activities, from the youngest Shishu Vihar class to the Chinmayam class for high school youngsters. The grade in which the child is enrolled in his/her school is the basis for placement in the appropriate Bala Vihar class.
For 2024-25, Chinmaya Mission Washington Regional Center is standardizing its curriculum across all regional chapters. A customized curriculum is planned that will be unique for only this year. It will encompass abridged coursework a student may have covered in a previous class and a more comprehensive inclusion of the academic book for their current year. You will notice two or more core books for each class, and it may appear that your child is repeating material they have already done. The topic listed in bold will be the major focus of the curriculum and will be supplemented by the other topic(s) listed.
We want our children to transition seamlessly and ensure that this course realignment encompasses all the foundational concepts needed for their class grade.
Ages less than 3 years
Shishu Vihar is Chinmaya Mission’s creative initiative to include infants and toddlers (0 to 3 years of age) with a parent/guardian for an early introduction to spiritual education.
Shishu Vihar is all about combining fun and interaction with values and wisdom that the kids will develop as they grow. It is a wonderful bonding time for the parents and their toddlers.
Special Education
Chinmaya Somnath’s Amruta Vihar is a special program tailored for children, who are differently abled, to come together for social interaction, spiritual growth and learning. The children are introduced to stories from our Puranas, taught how to chant shlokas and sing bhajans, along with art and craft activities, yoga, breathing exercises and group discussions.
Pre-K (Ages 3-5)
Stories, Bhajans, Activities: Children learn about Hindu Deities such as Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Devis through stories, activities, bhajans, celebrations and much more.
Text: Alphabet Safari
Children are introduced to positive values through the English Alphabet. For example: A for Ambition, B for Brotherhood etc. Each value is taught through a story or song.
1st & 2nd Grades
Text: Hanuman
The curriculum covers the virtues of Hanumanji such as unwavering devotion, strength, wisdom, and intelligence. The children will learn how these qualities will serve as essential building blocks for their emotional, social, and moral development, helping
them become well-rounded individuals. The curriculum also teaches the Hanuman Chalisa and its meaning. This sacred and powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman imparts several valuable lessons to children. Through the stories and teachings contained in the Hanuman Chalisa, children will develop a deeper understanding of the importance of being
humble in victory, gracious in defeat, and grateful for the blessings they receive in life.
3rd & 4th Grades
Text: Krishna Krishna Everywhere and My Twenty-Four Teachers
Children will learn about Lord Sri Krishna and His virtues through Krishna Lila stories.
They will also learn about the selfless supreme spiritual love and devotion of Gopis for Krishna which made them see Him everywhere.
The goal of “My Twenty-Four Teachers” (adapted from the 11th canto of Bhagavatam) is to learn that anyone or anything can be our teacher if we have humility and the right attitude to recognize. Nature is one of our greatest teachers. Children will get a synopsis of precious teachings learnt by Saint Dattatreya from these twenty-four teachers. These
gurus pave the path towards spiritual self-realization.
5th & 6th Grades
Text: Symbolism in Hinduism
The goal of this curriculum is to:
– Explain the ideal that idols represent
-Explain the symbolism of the Hindu deities: Ganesha, Shiva, Lord Vishnu,
Goddesses, Sri Krsna, and Sri Rama
– Explain the significance of traditional religious festivals attributed to the above
deities and celebrate them
7th & 8th Grades
Text: Hindu Culture, Ageless Guru
Children will learn about Hindu culture. A salient feature of this curriculum is an exhaustive explanation of our samskaras that gives children an understanding of why we do what we do so that they will follow rituals with its proper understanding. Ageless Guru describes the inspirational life of Swami Chinmayananda, a modern sage of extraordinary spiritual strength, love, tireless service, and metaphysical reach.
9th & 10th Grades
Texts: Hindu Culture and Yato Dharma Tato Jayah (Mahabharatha) and Practical Application of Geeta (1-9)
Students will learn about Hindu culture. The goal of this curriculum is two fold:
-To reiterate the fundamental concepts about Hindu Culture.
-To provide a deeper insight into living our life.
Using the prescription (samskaras) given in the Vedas, which form the foundation of Hindu Culture, we will learn to modify our inner behavior and prevent our nature (prakåti) from becoming perverted (vikåti).
In the second part of the year, students will learn, Yato Dharma Tato Jayah “Wherever Dharma is, there is victory” through the story of the Mahabharatha and the characteristics of its main characters
-What is Dharma? How to live by Dharma to succeed in the world
Towards the end of the year, students will review some important slokas from Bhagavad Geeta chapters 1 – 9 and focus on the application of these slokas in their day-to-day life.
The goal is to:
-Review the important slokas
-Work on practical applications
11th & 12th Grades
Text: Self Unfoldment
Self-Unfoldment by Swami Chinmayananda: This text highlights the fundamentals of Vedanta in a clear and logical manner appealing to the modern, scientific-minded generation. It demonstrates how to tap the immense potential power of our inner resources and thereby transform our lives.
Chinmaya Somnath 2024-25 Calendar
Friday PM Session – 6:40 pm – 8:20 pm
Timings | Classes | Type |
6:40 pm – 7:15 pm | Assembly in Auditorium (Parents & Children participate) -35 min assembly | In-person |
7:20 pm | Adult and BV classes start | In-person |
8:20 pm | Adult and BV classes end and dispersal. | In-person |
6:50 pm – 7:30 pm | Shishu Vihar Class | In-person |
Sunday AM Session – 9:10 am – 10:50 am
Timings | Classes | Type |
9:10 am – 9:45 am | Assembly in Auditorium (Parents & Children participate) -30 min assembly | In-person |
9:50 am | Adult and BV classes start | In-Person |
10:50 am | Adult and BV classes end and dispersal. | In-person |
10.00 am – 10:30 am | Amruta Vihar | In-person |
9:50 am – 10:30 am | Shishu Vihar Class | In-person |
11:00 am | Shloka, Yoga, and other enrichment classes start (except Language) | In-person |
12:00 pm | Shloka, Yoga, and other enrichment classes end, and dispersal | In-person |
Sunday PM Session – 12:10 pm – 1:50 pm
Timings | Class | Type |
12:10 pm – 12:45 pm | Assembly in Auditorium (Parents & Children participate) -30 min assembly | In-person |
12:50 pm – 1:50 pm | Bala Vihar and Adult Classes | In-person |
Enrichment Classes
Day | Timings | Class | Type |
Sunday | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Shloka Class | In-person |
Sunday | 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm | Shloka Class | Online |
Sunday | 11:00 am – 11:50 pm | Art Class | In-person |
Sunday | 11:00 am – 11:50 pm | Performing Arts(Bharatanatyam) Class | In-person |
Sunday | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm | Yoga(For all ages) | In-person |
Sunday | 11:00 am – 12:30 pm | Youth Leadership Program(YLP) (90 min class) | In-Person Meet (2nd and 4th Sundays) |
Sunday | 12 pm – 1 pm | Hindi Language Class | Online |
Saturday | 12 pm – 1 pm | Telugu Language Class | Online |
Sunday | 12 pm – 1 pm | Tamil Language Class | Online |
Tuesday | 7 pm – 7:45 pm 7:50 pm – 8:35 pm | Gujarati Beginner Language Class | Online |
Wednesday | 8:30 pm – 9:15 pm | Gujarati Intermediate Language Class | Online |
Important Notes For Parents!
The dress code for Bala Vihar is provided on the “Rules of Conduct” Tab. Parents are encouraged to follow the dress code and set an example for children. In winter, children are urged to wear sweaters and socks to class.
Both parents (if not, at least one parent) must attend the Vedanta Class while the Bala Vihar classes for children are in session. An attendance will be taken during the Vedanta class.
Chinmaya Mission will use e-mail to convey information about schedule changes, weekly newsletter, other programs, or snow dates. Please login to registration system and update the information. If you have any difficulty updating the details, please submit the details via Contact Us page.
Please notify the teacher(s) before class if your child is going to be absent. In the event of sudden illness or emergency, please notify the teacher(s) as soon as possible. The telephone numbers and email addresses of teachers provided may be used for this purpose.
Please ensure that children come to class prepared with their Bala Vihar notebook, My Prayers book, and other books in their syllabus, pencil, and crayons (for younger children) or colored pens.
All children should be well rested and have a nourishing meal before attending Bala Vihar. This fosters better learning.
Once or twice a year Bala Vihar teachers will hold a parent/teacher conference. The teachers will update parents on class progress and the topics covered. The purpose of the parent/teacher conference is to facilitate ongoing parental involvement with the child’s learning.
During Mission programs other than Bala Vihar (monthly Bhajan nights, etc.), parents are responsible for their children’s behavior. Please teach children to respect the sanctity of the facility by maintaining silence during these programs, not running in the building, dropping trash in trash cans, putting books and games away, etc.
Please bring your children to Bala Vihar classes regularly and on time. To maximize learning and to respect the significant effort teachers put in to prepare for class, please ensure that children attend class regularly and that absences are few and far between, and only due to unavoidable reasons such as illness or other emergencies.
To facilitate effective learning, parents are NOT permitted in class unless pre-arranged with the Teacher and the Bala Vihar Coordinator/Director.
The Bala Vihar Coordinator/Director may routinely attend Bala Vihar classes to evaluate the curriculum and for teacher training.
Feel free to discuss your child’s progress or needs, or any concerns or questions you may have, with the Bala Vihar teacher(s) or Coordinator. We encourage and value parental involvement and input.
At home, please help children practice and memorize assembly prayers they are learning in class.
Each classroom needs at least two parent volunteers to help organize occasional field trips, socials, and other special activities. Please contact the classroom teacher if you would like to volunteer.
2024-2025 Bala Vihar Book List
Bala Vihar Class | Curriculum |
Shishu Vihar (Below 3 Years) | Shishu Vihar Bhajans & Rhymes AS07 |
Amruta Vihar (Special Education) | Introduction to stories from our Puranas How to chant shlokas and sing bhajans Art and craft activities Yoga, breathing exercises |
Ati-Madhuram (Pre-K) | Shishu Vihar Bhajans & Rhymes AS07 |
Madhuram (Kindergarten) | Alphabet Safari Workbook |
Satyam (Grades 1, 2) | Superman Hanuman Workbook AS38 Hanuman_Activity workbook |
Shivam (Grades 3, 4) | Krishna Krishna Everywhere workbook Twenty-four preceptors, Balavihar workbook |
Sundaram (Grades 5,6) | Symbolism in Hinduism workbook Symbolism in Hinduism, various authors AS41 Why Do We? AW05 |
Shivanandam ( Grades 7,8) | Ageless Guru – AA05 Hindu Culture by Sw Tejomayananda-AH10 |
Tapovanam (Grades 9,10) | Hindu Culture by Sw Tejomayananda-AH10 |
Chinmayam (Grades 11,12) | Self Unfoldment AS17 |
Suggested Book List for Additional Learning
Bala Vihar Class | Optional Book List | Price | |
Ati-Madhuram/Madhuram/Satyam | Krishna Loves you Krishna (Butter bash, Invisible friend, Rocks, Photocopies) Go Hanuman Go Hanuman Big Gig Shiva Shiva Namah Shivaya – $8 Shiva’s Fish Swish Ganesha Goes to Party Ganesha Mouscapade Boogie woogie Ganesha | $8 $6 each $8 $8 $8 $8 $4 $7 $7 | |
Shivam/ Sundaram | Tarangini Series Tell me a Story Color Series Bala Vihar Guru Devs tales Bala Ramayan Bala Bhagavatam Amar Chitra Katha of Swamiji | $6 $6 $3 $6 $6 $2 | |
Shivanandam | Conflicts and Confusion Not too Loose, .. Tight, Just Right Victorious Youth | $2 $2 $2 | |
Tapovanam | Storm to Perform Ageless guru Hindu culture an Introduction Transforming Indians to transform India Journey of a Master Hinduism Frequently asked questions | $5 $6 $8 $10 $10 $5 | |
Chinmayam | Srimad Bhagavad Gita Say Cheese Self-Unfoldment We Must Gita for Children | $5 $4 $10 $12 $3 |
We expect all children and parents to follow the rules of conduct!
Everyone must follow the directions set by sevaks for entering, exiting, and transitioning to other classes.
Arrive early and settle down in your class. This will allow everyone to enter the facility and be prompt for your class.
The Bala Vihar classes start promptly at the scheduled time. Children are requested to be punctual; they should be seated and ready for Hanuman Chalisa followed by Arati.
Dress code for Bala Vihar Children:
Boys – Kurta Pajama or full pants with kurta. No hats, jeans, or shorts.
Girls – Salwar Kameez or long skirt with a blouse. Wear a bindi.
Children or Youth who are attending some other activity after Bala Vihar may bring a change of clothes with them.
Respect for self is respect for others. Children should be attentive and respectful in class, and raise their hands and wait their turn before speaking.
Children should come to class prepared, and with their own material such as pen, Bala Vihar notebook, textbooks, pencil, and a box of crayons or colored pens (for younger children).
Children are expected to exhibit good manners and maintain discipline at all times. Running in the building, or disturbing any of the books or materials in the classroom is not permitted.
Chewing gum, drinks, or food should not be consumed in the classrooms.
We promote best safety practices to ensure the safety of our Bala Vihar children. In ensuring the safety practice, we request all children to bring to the notice of their teacher or parent anything that concerns their safety.
Use of smart devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.) is not permitted during any classes. If the child(ren) is found using any of those devices, the teacher will take the smart device from the child(ren) and parents will have to collect it from the teacher.